SiS671FX , SiS671 , SiSM671 , SiSM671MX , SiS672FX , SiS672 , SiSM672MX , SiSM672
Silicon Integrated Systems Corp.
There are many reasons why you wouldn't want your operating system connect to Microsoft's server, be it for practical reasons or pure idealism. Based on the source-code of the award-winning xpy (version 0.9.8), Vispa allows you to easily tweak your Windows Vista for better privacy and security, even system performance. Do a few clicks rather than finding the writeprogram settings. registry keys or
The only recommendation I can give is not applying settings without vague knowledge of what you're doing. Not every setting is desired in every environment. Vispa is no tool for beginners, just a more convenient way of tweaking your operating system.
Important: Some antivirus software might report Vispa as Spyware or a Trojan. Vispa is an executable written and compiled using NSIS, false-positives are unfortunately quite common among NSIS compiled programs. The NSIS development team is aware of this situation and constantly works with software companies to solve such issues.
Changes in v0.2.2.1 (2008-05-30):
* fixed bug in bitmap-graphics
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Gelato is a software program that leverages the NVIDIA GPU as a floating point math processor. This allows Gelato to render images faster than comparable renderers, but without the quality limitations traditionally associated with real-time graphics processing on the GPU.
If you require extra power in your 3D rendering pipeline, you can upgrade to Gelato Pro. With Gelato Pro you get the features required for production rendering:
* NVIDIA® Sorbetto™ interactive relighting technology
* DSO shadeops
* Network parallel rendering
* Multithreading
* Native 64-bit support
* Maintenance and support from NVIDIA's High-Quality-Rendering Team
New In Gelato/Gelato Pro 2.2:
* Speed and memory improvements – scenes with huge displacement amounts now have can be rendered 5 times faster than before.
* Refined ray-traced reflection - the ability to handle multiple reflection rays with improved anti-aliasing.
* More accurate subsurface scattering techniques – by defining “albedo” and “Meanfreepath” coefficients.
* Enhanced texture converter – which lets you select, replicate and re-order individual color channels when creating textures.
* Mango now supports Maya Hair. - And includes a new shader for “Shave and a Haircut”, as well as, a new velvet shader.
* Windows XP Professional x64 support.
In addition to these changes, the Mango plug-in for Maya makes Gelato 2.2 easier to use and allows multiple versions of Maya to run simultaneously on your workstation. Other modifications include an updated User Interface, data exporting improvements, new pull-down menus and right-click functionality, standard placement of generated files in Mayaproject folders, better Maya batch rendering and other options via a custom Gelato XML file make workflow effortless and a more flexible SDB file system.
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