Nope, this is not a joke... Mark Shuttleworth, the father of Ubuntu Linux, has just announced a few minutes ago the codename and the goals of the next version of his marvelous operating system, Ubuntu 9.10 (codename Karmic Koala), scheduled for release in October 2009. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the *Karmic Koala*, the newest member of our alliterative menagerie. When you are looking for inspiration beyond the looming Jaunty feature freeze, I hope you'll think of the Koala, our official mascot for Ubuntu 9.10. And if you'll bear with me for a minute I'll set the scene for what we hope to achieve in that time." - said Mark Shuttleworth in the official announcement.
For the Karmic Koala, the development team will focus their efforts on the "first impressions," which means that they plan to change the old brown desktop with a whole new look and change the current Usplash with a smooth and flicker-free boot splash, such as Red Hat's Plymouth. Also, the boot times will decrease even more in Ubuntu 9.10, as the team plans to make it boot in less than 25 seconds on a netbook! Moreover, they even plan to change the login screen in Ubuntu 9.10, with a very nice one.
"We made a splash years ago with Usplash, but it's time to move to something newer and shinier. So the good news is, boot will be beautiful. The bad news is, you won't have long to appreciate it! It only takes 35 days to make a whole Koala, so we think it should be possible to bring up a stylish desktop much faster. The goal for Jaunty on a netbook is 25 seconds, so let's see how much faster we can get you all the way to a Koala desktop." - said Mark Shuttleworth.
There are also some good pieces of news for all netbook users, be it Mini Me or Dell Mini, as the Ubuntu Netbook Edition will be updated with all the bleeding-edge Linux goodies. Mark says that the Netbook Remix of Ubuntu 9.10 will install easily and work flawlessly on all netbooks.
The new look of Ubuntu 9.10 will be unveiled in Barcelona, on May 25-29, at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. So make sure you're there if you want to meet Mark Shuttleworth and take an exclusive peek at the brand new look of the upcoming Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala).
"A newborn Koala spends about six months in the family before it heads off into the wild alone. Sounds about perfect for an Ubuntu release plan! I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in Barcelona, and before that, at a Jaunty release party. Till then, cheers." - Mark Shuttleworth ended the announcement.
Günümüzün en önemli meselesi bir kısım aydın-reformist veya ilahiyatçı yazarlarının dinde diyalog veya başka adlar altında akla hayale gelmiyor, aslen müslümanlığa düşmance tutumları devam ediyor. Üstelik bugün dünkü şekilden daha tehlikeli şekilde... Dininden habersiz dünya düşkünü, arada bir İslamı hatırlayan bilgisiz, nufüs kağıdında sadece İslam yazan ama mangalda kül bırakmayan kimselerin rahatlıkla düşecekleri bu tuzaklara karşı 4 Hocaefendi/Yazar tarafından hangi ayetlerler ne şekilde tahrif edildi, aslında ne-niçein-neden? gibi sorularının tam ve güzel bir uslubla ele alındığı eser şu şekilde tanıtılmakta:
Bakara Sûresi 62 ve Mâide Sûresi 69. âyeti kerîmelerinden yola çıkan bozuk fikirli bazı İlâhiyatçılar; “Âhir zaman peygamberine inanma” ve “Kendi dinlerinden berî olarak İslâm’a girme” şartlarını yerine getirmeden, sadece bu âyetlerde zikredilen “Allâh’a ve âhirete îman”, bir de “Sâlih amel” şartlarını îfâ eden Yahudî ve Hristiyanların da cennete girebileceğini söyleyerek, kendilerini dinden çıkarmış ve “Cennete girmenin olmazsa olmaz şartı olan ‘İslâm’ı kabullenme’ zorunluluğu”nu toplum nezdinde zaafa uğratmaya yönelik büyük bir ihanette bulunmuşlardır. Zira Kur’ân âyetleri arasında hiçbir çelişki söz konusu olmayıp, hepsi de birbirini tasdik ve tefsir eder mâhiyettedir. Nitekim Bakara Sûresi 285 ve Nisâ Sûresi 136. âyet-i kerîmelerinde kurtuluşa ermek için: “Meleklere, Kitaplara ve Peygamberlere îman”dan ibaret üç şart daha ilave edilmiştir. Beyyine Sûresi’nin 6. âyet-i kerîmesi ise: “Kâfir olan Ehl-i Kitab’ın da kitapsız müşrikler gibi cehennemde ebedî kalacağı”nı beyan etmektedir. “Muhammed’in canı, (kudret) elinde olan Zât’a yemin olsun ki; bu ümmetten Yahudi veya Hristiyan herhangi bir kimse beni duyar da, sonra benimle gönderilen dine inanmadan ölürse, mutlaka cehennem ashâbından olur!” (Müslim, İman: 70, no:153) hadîs-i şerifi de, bu kâfirlikten, sadece “Allâh’ı ve âhireti inkâr” kastedilmeyip, bununla birlikte “Rasûlüllâh (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Sellem)in dinine uymama”nın da imansızlık sayıldığını açıklamaktadır. Dolayısıyla bazı âyet-i kerîmelerde cennete gireceği bildirilen; Yahudi, Hristiyan ve Sâbie fırkaları; Mûsâ, Îsâ, Nûh ve İbrâhîm (Aleyhimüsselâm)ın tahrif edilmemiş şerî‘atlerine, geçerli oldukları dönemlerde tâbi olanlardır. Rasûlüllah (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Sellem)i ve Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’i inkâr edenler veya Rasûlüllah (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Sellem)den ve İslâm’dan övgüyle bahsettikleri halde, kendi dinlerinden uzaklaşarak İslâm’a girmeyen günümüz kâfirleri ise bu mevzuya dâhil değildirler. (Mahmut Ustaosmanoğlu, Kur’ân-ı Mecîd ve Tefsirli Meâl-i Âlîsi, Bakara Sûresi:62)
Bu eseri her müslümanın okuması lazım zira sizin nerede hangi şartlarda bozuk fikirli bu sapıklarla karşılaşacağız belli olmaz. Üstelik birde doğru derseniz artık nufüs kağıdında İslam yazsa size bir faydası olmaz... İlimsiz amel olmaz...
TechARP predicted last month that RC-Escrow build of SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 will be released between the dates Jan 26-30 and the RC build between the dates Feb 16-20. The RC Escrow build of SP2 was sent to testers at the end of January and the rumor is that now Microsoft has released the RC build of SP2 to Microsoft Connect testers exactly between the dates predicted by TechARP.
Ars reports that RC build is available for download as a standalone installer package or via Windows Update or as a slipstreamed download which includes 691 individual hotfixes. Public beta of SP2 was released in December 2008 and the final release is expected to happen around April or May according to TechARP.
As various Windows blogs are reporting, Microsoft is issuing some test updates for the official Windows 7 Beta (that's build 7000) this month, on the 24th.
The purpose of these updates is to ensure that Windows 7 is fully capable of being issued online updates, and to help the Windows 7 check for any problems or bugs. The updates themselves will not automatically be install, but yet the user will be notified of these and will be offered if they wish to download them. The updates serve no purpose except for testing, and this will be clearly labeled that they are for testing purposes only. You can choose not to update, and instead just hide the files and ignore them. There will be, at most, five updates.
Windows 7 is expected to be released this year, and Microsoft releasing this test shows they are progressing nicely. So remember, this coming 24th, remember to update your Windows 7 Beta install.
Microsoft released Silverlight 2 in mid-October 2008 and, five months later, an upgrade is available for download. Hundreds of millions of downloads later, users have the opportunity to update Silverlight 2 to the latest version available. In this regard, Silverlight 2 GDR 1 is now available as the successor of Silverlight 2 RTW. Installing the latest release of Silverlight will take the technology from version 2.0.31005.0, which was the label for the October 2008 build of Silverlight, to 2.0.40115.0.
However, Silverlight 2 GDR 1 (2.0.40115.0) only brings to the table resolves for issues reported to Microsoft since the initial release, and not much else, especially since the Redmond company is now hard at work on the next iteration of the technology. “Silverlight 2 GDR1 now available,” revealed Microsoft Evangelist Tim Sneath. “Not a huge release this one, but we've just shipped an update for Silverlight 2 that fixes a number of minor bugs that have been reported over the last couple of months.”
Silverlight 2 (2.0.31005.0) was officially released to web (RTW) on October 13, 2008, however, Sneath revealed that in fact the gold version of Microsoft's alternative to Adobe Flash had been quietly released weeks before. At the bottom of the screen, via the embedded video you will be able to see Scott Guthrie, corporate vice president, .NET Developer Division, talk about Silverlight 2 and Silverlight 3 and what users should expect at MIX09 starting on March 18, 2009 in Las Vegas.
Come next month, at Microsoft's Internet-centric MIX09 conference, the software giant will reveal new details about Silverlight 3. At the end of January 2009, Guthrie, revealed that Silverlight 3 was designed as a major update for Silverlight 2. In this regard, Silverlight 2 GDR 1 should be considered nothing more than a way for Microsoft to ensure that problems that survived past the RTW milestone of Silverlight 2 have been dealt with.
Silverlight 2 GDR 1 (2.0.40115.0) is available for download here.
nVIDIA ForceWare software unleashes the full power and features in nVIDIA's desktop, gaming, platform, workstation, laptop, multimedia, and mobile products. Delivering a proven record of compatibility, reliability, and stability with the widest range of games and applications, ForceWare software ensures the best experience with your nVIDIA hardware. • Incredible 3D and video performance for all of your applications. • Rock-solid system stability, greater compatibility, and reliability with nVIDIA® Unified Driver Architecture (UDA). • Industry-leading features for graphics, audio, video, communications, storage, and security. • Robust product support for over ten unique operating systems. • Continual product performance and feature updates for the life of your nVIDIA hardware.
NVIDIA has released the following WHQL certified drivers for use with Windows Vista RTM that will enable you to test the basic features and capabilities of the new operating system. NVIDIA is committed to supporting Microsoft Windows Vista on current and previous GPU generations. It's important to us that you have an excellent experience through the Vista transition, and driver development is the highest priority in our company.
This is a WHQL driver for GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, and 200-series desktop GPUs.
New in Release 182.06: * Recommended for the best experience in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. * Boosts performance in several 3D applications. The following are examples of improvements measured with Release 182.06 WHQL drivers vs. Release 181.22 WHQL drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings): o Up to 8% performance increase in Fallout 3 at high resolution and AA. o Up to 10% performance increase in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. o Up to 9% performance increase in Half-Life 2 at high resolution with AA. o Up to 11% performance increase in Left 4 Dead at high resolution with AA. o Up to 10% performance increase in Race Driver: GRID at high resolution and AA. * Includes full support for OpenGL 3.0 on GeForce 8-series, 9-series, and 200-series GPUs. * Automatically installs the new PhysX System Software version 9.09.0203. * Additional information on specific bug fixes can be found in the release documentation notes. * Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here.
Existing Support: * Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboards. * Supports NVIDIA SLI Multi-monitor support, giving you the ability to use two monitors with your GeForce graphics cards in SLI mode. Learn more here. * Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on a dedicated GeForce graphics card. Use one card for graphics and dedicate a different card for PhysX processing for game-changing physical effects. Learn more here. Note: GPU PhysX is supported on all GeForce 8-series, 9-series and 200-series GPUs with a minimum of 256MB dedicated graphics memory. * Supports GeForce Plus Power Pack #2. Download these free PhysX and CUDA applications now! * Supports CUDA. * Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software.
nVIDIA ForceWare software unleashes the full power and features in nVIDIA's desktop, gaming, platform, workstation, laptop, multimedia, and mobile products. Delivering a proven record of compatibility, reliability, and stability with the widest range of games and applications, ForceWare software ensures the best experience with your nVIDIA hardware. • Incredible 3D and video performance for all of your applications. • Rock-solid system stability, greater compatibility, and reliability with nVIDIA® Unified Driver Architecture (UDA). • Industry-leading features for graphics, audio, video, communications, storage, and security. • Robust product support for over ten unique operating systems. • Continual product performance and feature updates for the life of your nVIDIA hardware.
Official, WHQL Certified Drivers for nVIDIA GeForce graphics cards, for Windows XP/ 2000/ Windows XP Media Center Edition and Windows XP x64/ Server 2003 x64 OS. nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers has the following other editions available: nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers for Windows 9x/Me, nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers for Windows NT, nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers for Windows Vista (32-bit), nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers for Windows XP/2003 (64-bit), nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers for Windows XP Media Center and nVIDIA ForceWare Drivers for Windows Vista (64-bit).
New in Release 182.06: * Recommended for the best experience in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. * Boosts performance in several 3D applications. The following are examples of improvements measured with Release 182.06 WHQL drivers vs. Release 181.22 WHQL drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings): o Up to 8% performance increase in Fallout 3 at high resolution and AA. o Up to 10% performance increase in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin o Up to 9% performance increase in Half-Life 2 at high resolution with AA. o Up to 11% performance increase in Left 4 Dead at high resolution with AA. o Up to 10% performance increase in Race Driver: GRID at high resolution and AA. * Includes full support for OpenGL 3.0 on GeForce 8-series, 9-series, and 200-series GPUs. * Automatically installs the new PhysX System Software version 9.09.0203. * Additional information on specific bug fixes can be found in the release documentation notes. * Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here.
Existing Support: * Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology* on DirectX 9 and OpenGL including SLI support on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboards. * Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on a dedicated GeForce graphics card. Use one card for graphics and dedicate a different card for PhysX processing for game-changing physical effects. Learn more here. Note: GPU PhysX is supported on all GeForce 8-series, 9-series and 200-series GPUs with a minimum of 256MB dedicated graphics memory. * Supports GeForce Plus Power Pack #2. Download these free PhysX and CUDA applications now! * Supports CUDA. * Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software.
*Note: The following SLI features are only supported on Windows Vista: Quad SLI technology using GeForce 9800 GX2 or GeForce GTX 295, 3-way SLI technology, Hybrid SLI, and SLI multi-monitor support.
ESET Smart Security is a tightly integrated solution designed to protect computers from a range of threats. Built on the award-winning ESET NOD32® Antivirus and its powerful ThreatSense® engine, ESET Smart Security provides antispyware, antispam and customized firewall features. Utilizing ThreatSense — the industry's most advanced heuristics — the window of vulnerability between virus outbreak and signature update is reduced. The key advantage of this approach is that individual protection modules are able to communicate together seamlessly, to create unparalleled synergy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of protection. Moreover, the integrated architecture guarantees optimal utilization of system resources, so ESET Smart Security continues ESET's well know reputation for providing rock solid security in a small footprint that will not slow down an individual's computer.
ESET Smart Security provides: * Proactive Protection: award winning ThreatSense technology combines multiple layers of detection protecting you from Internet threats before it is too late. The included antispam and personal firewall features provide you with a total security solution. * Precise Detection: ESET accurately identifies known and unknown threats. It consistently wins top awards from testing labs and is recognized for having zero false positives. * Lightweight Design: Smart Security requires less memory and CPU power, allowing your computer to run fast, making more room for games, web browsing, and emailing. * Fast Scanning Speeds: ESET Smart Security is a highly efficient program ensuring fast file scanning and product updates, while running quietly in the background.
ESET Smart Security is a new product designed to provide comprehensive protection against a variety of threats. It features the following: • The next version of ESET's anti-malware engine with comprehensive protection against adware, rootkits, spyware, Trojan horses, viruses, worms and other types of malicious software • A personal firewall with port stealthing and advanced filtering features • An antispam filter with Bayesian filtering, whitelisting and blacklisting.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus + Antispyware • This component is in fact an improved version of the award-winning scanning engine of NOD32 Antivirus v2.7. With respect to program's unprecedented scanning speed, the following improvements have been made: • Improved system of cleaning and deleting infiltrations. The antivirus system now intelligently cleans and deletes infiltrations with no need for user interaction. • Computer scan can be run in background in order to use only a part of system resources. Thus scanning will not affect the performance of your computer and you will be able to work on it as usual. • The resident protection supports archive scanning. • Update optimization, smaller update package size than in version 2.7, more effective management and protection of update files against damage. • Email protection for users of Outlook Express.
ESET Personal Firewall • Firewall monitors all traffic between a protected computer and other computers in the local network and in the Internet. High quality protection is provided by the following functions: • Scanning of application protocols HTTP and POP3 (used for Internet browsing and for retrieving email from servers) for infiltrations. • Checking low-level network communication which helps to avoid many of various remote attacks. • Ability to recognize the character of network connections established by various types of infiltrations and ability to automatically terminate them. • Filtering of incoming and outgoing communication based on user defined rules. • Monitoring changes in executable files. • Interactive and automatic mode. The former enables you to create your own filtering rules, the latter filters all communication automatically.
ESET Anti Spam • ESET Anti Spam serves to filter unsolicited email, which makes your work with email more effective. The key features of the ESET Anti Spam are: • Support for the RCF email format • Supports several scanning techniques including the combination of Bayesian filter, virus signatures and user defined rules. • Supports the creation of Blacklist and Whitelist. • Integration with the Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client. • Ability to control multiple messages simultaneously.
If you are interested in computer security and would like to get a chance to influence the development of ESET's security systems, we invite you to join our Early Access program. Gain early access to the latest technology in beta and release candidate stages.
Changes in ESET Smart Security 4.0: * Firewall - Added support for UAC * Export/Import of root SSL certificate to well known web browsers (Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer) * Windows Live Mail v14 (Beta) is supported also * Added support for including external programs to iso image (recovery CD function) * Added possibility to edit user-defined servers for update module * Support of SSL on Microsoft Windows 2000 has been added * Improved filtering of logs is available now(smart filtering) * Support “Download Headers” mode in MS Outlook (Exchange, IMAP) * Exclusions work for mapped network drives (there must be two exclusions: one for mapped path and one for UNC path) * Added port for MSN (1863) in Firewall rules (local) settings available
MEDYA-HALKLA İLİŞKİLER-REKLAM A Ali Kırca, Altan Öymen, A. Emin Yalman, Ali Sirmen, Ali Gevgili, Adnan Düvenci, Abdi İpekçi, Aydın Sevgel, Ali İhsan Göğüş, Alev Coşkun, Altan Erbulak, Ali Ulvi, Ali Baransel, Argun Berker, Ayla Selışık Tamar, Ayşe Arman, Aydın Boysan, Ali Canip Yöntem, Abdülkadir Yücelman, Ali Naci Karacan Aladdin Baydar (Fenerbahçeli ilk milli futbolculardan, gazeteci) B Bilgin Ailesi (Sabah, ATV) Bekir Coşkun, Bekir Kutmangil (Günaydın’ın öldürülen sahibi) Bedii Faik, C Cengiz Çandar, Cüneyt Ülsever, Coşkun Kırca, Can Ataklı, Cenk Koray, Canan Arıtman, Cüneyt Arcayürek, Cihat Baban, Cüneyt Koryürek, Cehdi Şahingiray, Ç Çetin Emeç, D Defne Samyeli, Doğan Koloğlu, E Erkan Göksel, Ecvet Güresin, Emil Galip Sandalcı, Ebuziyyad Ziya, Ekrem Uşaklıgil, Emine Uşaklıgil, Erdal Atabek, Eşfak Aykaç, Enis Tahsin Til, Ercan Arıklı, Emre Kongar Engin Baydar (Nazikioğlu, soyadını kullanmıyor- Türk Basın Birliği Başkanı idi) Ertuğrul Soysal (Nail Keçili’nin üvey babası, eski İSO bşk,TİSK Kurucusu, Atlı Zincir'in sahibi) F Fikret Bila, Ferai Tınç, Faik Akın, Füsun Özbilgen, Fikret Otyam, Fazıl Ahmet Aykaç, G Gülgün Feyman, Güngör Mengi, Güneri Cıvaoğlu, Gündüz Vassaf, Gündüz Kılıç (GS’li Baba Gündüz-Kılıç Ali’nin oğlu, Altemur Kılıç’ın kardeşi) Gülçin Telci, H Hüseyin Cahit, Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver, Hamdi Nüzhet Çançar, Halit Deringör, Hakkı Tarık Us (gazeteci) I Işıl Özgentürk, İ İsmet Berkan, İsmet Solak, İsmail Hüsrev Tökin, İsmet Binark: Yazar K Karacanlar Kahraman Bapçum, Kamil Masaracı, L Leyla Umar, M M. A. Birand, Mehmet Ali Önel, Murat Sertoğlu, Murat Birsel, Mecbure Canan Barlas, Münir Berik, Mekki Sait Esen, Mahmut Ekrem Talu, Muvaffak Talu, Mükerrem Sarol, Mithat Perin, Murat Belge, Muammer Yaşar Bostancı, Mahmut Esat Bozkurt, Metin Yalman (A. N. Sezer’in Basın Danışmanı) N Naim Tirali, Nuri Çolakoğlu, Necmettin Sadak, Nezih Demirkent, Nasuh Mahruki, Necati Zincirkıran, Nail Güreli, Necmi Tanyolaç, O Orhan Koloğlu, Okay Gönensin, Osman Kavala (İletişim’in sahibi), Osman Kapani, Osman Saffet Arolat, Osman Ulagay, Oğuz Tongsir, Orhan Erinç, Oğuz Aral Ö Örsan Öymen, Özcan Ergüder, Ömer Madra, P Piyale Madra, Pakize Suda, R Reha Muhtar, Refik Erduran, Ruhat Biliktan Mengi, Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, Rasih Nuri İleri, Rana Pirinççioğlu S Simaviler Sedat Sertoğlu, Sedat Ergin, Seçkin Türesay, Suphi Nuri İleri, Sabiha Sertel, Selim Ragıp Emeç, Selçuk Erez, Semih Poroy, Semra Somersan, Semih Balcıoğlu- Ş Şiar Yalçın, T Tahsin Öztin, Talat Sait Halman, Talay Erker, Turhan Selçuk Tekin Aral U Uzanlar Uğur Dündar, Umur E. Talu, V Vedat Nedim Tör, Y Yalçın Bayer, Yılmaz Çetiner, Yavuz Gökmen, Yalım Eralp, Z Zekeriya Sertel, Zeynep Göğüş,
The ALC882 series 7.1+2 Channel High Definition Audio codecs with UAA (Universal Audio Architecture), featuring five 24-bit stereo DACs and three 20-bit stereo ADCs, are designed for high performancemultimedia PC systems. The ALC882 series incorporates proprietary converter technology to achieve over 100dB Signal-to-Noise ratio playback quality; easily meeting PC2001 requirements and also bringing PC sound quality closer to consumer electronic devices.
The ALC882 series provide 10 channels of DAC that simultaneously support 7.1 sound playback, plus 2 channels of independent stereo sound output (multiple streaming) through the Front-Out-Left and Front-Out-Right channels. Flexible mixing, mute, and fine gain control functions provide a complete integrated audio solution for next generation multimedia PCs.
Features of Realtek High Definition Audio Driver : - High-performance DACs with 103dB SNR are ideal for Dolby Master Studio - ADCs with 90dBA SNR - Meets performance requirements for audio on PC2001 systems - 10 DAC channels support 16/20/24-bit PCM format for 7.1 sound playback, plus 2 channels of independent stereo sound output (multiple streaming) through the - Front-Out-Left and Front-Out-Right channels - 3 stereo ADCs support 16/20-bit PCM format, two for microphone array, one for legacy mixer recording - All DACs support 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate - All ADCs support 44.1k/48k/96kHz sample rate - Applicable for DVD-Audio solutions - 16/20/24-bit S/PDIF-OUT supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate - 16/20/24-bit S/PDIF-IN supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate - Up to four channels of microphone input are supported for AEC/BF application - High-quality analog differential CD input - Supports external PCBEEP input and built-in digital BEEP generator - Software selectable 2.5V/3.75V VREFOUT - Six VREFOUTs are supported by default, with additional four VREFOUTs available by sharing unused analog I/O pins - Two jack detection pins each designed to detect up to 4 jacks - Reserve analog mixer architecture for backward compatibility with AC'97 - Wide range (–80dB ~ +42dB) volume control with 1.5dB resolution of analog to analog mixer gain - All analog jacks are stereo input and output re-tasking for analog plug & play - Built-in headphone amplifiers for each re-tasking jack - Supports both analog DC volume control and GPI digital volume control - 2 GPIOs (General Purpose Input/Output) for customized applications - Optional EAPD (External Amplifier Power Down) is supported - Power support: Digital: 3.3V; Analog: 5.0V (Minimum AVDD is 3.6V) - Power management and enhanced power saving features - 48-pin LQFP lead (Pb)-free package - Meets Microsoft WHQL/WLP 2.0 audio requirements - EAX 1.0 & 2.0 compatible - Direct Sound 3D compatible - A3D compatible - I3DL2 compatible - HRTF 3D Positional Audio - Emulation of 26 sound environments to enhance gaming experience - 10 Software Equalizer Bands - Voice Cancellation and Key Shifting in Karaoke mode - Realtek Media Player - Enhanced Configuration Panel and device sensing wizard to improve user experience - Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), Noise Suppression (NS) and Beam Forming (BF) technology for voice application - ALC882D features Dolby Digital Live output for consumer equipment - ALC882H features Dolby Home Theater software - ALC882M features Dolby Master Studio software
Changes in Driver Package R2.16: Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec in Vista/WinXP/Win2000/Win2003 . 1. Vista WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262,ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887 2. Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267,ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887 3. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices 4. OS Supporting: Microsoft WindowsXP, Widnows2000, Vista, Windows7 x86/x64 5. Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013) 6. Add/Fix 1.) Driver : 1. Customizations. 2. Update directsound acceleration engine for XP driver.
İŞADAMLARI: A A. Kozanoğlu, Ali Balkaner, Alp Yalman, Armatör Sadıkoğlu Ailesi, Ateş Ünal Erzin, B Boronkay, Bezmen’ler, C Cem Boyner, Ç Çiftçiler Holding, Çapa Ailesi (Çapamarka) D Dinçkök, Demirağ Ailesi (Mehmet Nuri ve kardeşi Abdurrahman Naci) Dilberler Mağazaları, E Eczacıbaşı, Erdoğan Demirören, Erol Aksoy, Esenpen (Esen Özgener), Erkut Yücaoğlu, F Feyyaz Berker (Tekfen), Feyzi Akkaya (STFA), G Gorbon, İ İbrahim Ethem Ulagay İlaç, İpar Ailesi, K Kazım Taşkent (Yapı Kredi), Koç Holding, Kutman Ailesi (Doluca Şarapları) M Mehmet Üstünkaya, Manisalı Elginkan Ailesi (ECA), Mustafa Taviloğlu, Ö Ömür Yoğurtları, Öngüt’ler, Öner Akgerman (Çimentaş), Özgörkey Ailesi (İzmir Pepsi) R Refik Baydur, Rumeli Holding (Uzanlar) , Raşit Özsaruhan (Metaş, Betontaş) S Selim Edes, Sohtorik, Ş Şarık Tara- Şadi Gülçelik (ENKA), U Uğur Mengenecioğlu (UM Denizcilik), Ulusoy Ailesi (Ulusoy Taşımacılık), Y Yaşar Holding, Z Zorlu Ailesi,
Altemur Kılıç "Altemur Kılıç İngiltere Kraliçesi tarafından ‘Commander of the Victorian Order‘ ve Alman Hükümeti tarafından ‘Grosse Verdient Kreuz’ nişanıyla ödüllendirilmiştir. (…) Altemur, Basın Yayın Genel Müdürlüğüni ikinci kez yaparken, 1970’li yılların başında Selçuk Yaşar İzmir’de o zamanki militan ve özel teşebbüs karşıtı sol akımlara karşı gerçekleri ve özel teşebbüsü savunmak için düşünülen bir derginin başına geçmesini teklif etmişti. (…) 1953 yılınnda İstanbul’da Devir adıyla bir dergi de yayınlamıştı ancak pek başarılı olamamıştı. Şimdi arkasında güçlü sermaye desteğiyle daha şansı olacağına inanıyordu. Nitekim özellikle Selçuk Yaşar’ın sağladığı büyük destekle ortaya yine Devir adlı güzel bir dergi çıkarabildi…. Özellikle rahmetli Jerfi Yener ve yardımcılığını kabul eden Güngör Mengi Altemur’a büyük detsek olmuştu." (Melih Gürsoy, İzmir Mozaiğinde Belirgin Taşlar, s. 22, 1999)
Altemur Kılıç’ın, Pinochet, Sili'yi bir felaketten kurtardi diyen bir yazisini Işıkcilarin Turkiye Gazetesi’nde okumuştum. Bu faşist katil diktatörün avukatlığını üstlenmişti. Sadece Türkiye Gazetesi’nde yazmıyor, Gözlem isimli Türkiyeli Yahudilerin gazetesinde de İnglizce köşe yazıları yazıyor. Gözlem, Yahudiler üzerine yazan ya da propaganda eseri olarak parayla bu konuda yazdırılan kitapların basıldığı yayın evi. Örneğin, Prof. Dr. Çetin
Yetkin’e büyük paralar ödeyerek Osmanlı ve Türkiye Yahudileri isimli bir kitap yazdırmışlar. Gözlem Yayınları için, Yahudilerin Dergisi Şalom’a bakılabilir. (
Altemur Kiliç, Istiklal Mahkemeleri başkanlarindan Kiliç Ali'nin oğlu. Eski Futbolcu ve antrenör Gündüz Kıliç'in kardesi. Babasi, "iğdam" dermis. Savunma falan hak getire. Kendisi Rothmans'in Türkiye temsilcisi olurlar. Rothmans hani su "Şark tipi tütün ekiminden vazgeçin" diye sart kosan sirket. 1944'te ABD'de New For Social Research'de okumus. Daha sonra da,
Antimedya’nin yazdığına göre, hala bilinmeyen "hizmetlerde" çalisarak ABD'de 13 yil kalmis. 1949'da Birlesmis Milletler'de basin uzmani, 1955-59 arasinda Washington'da Türkiye'nin basin atesesi. 1975-80 arasinda BM'de Daimi Temsilci Yardimcisi. BM Kore madalyasi sahibi. 12 Mart'ın Basin Yayin Müdürü. Adnan Menderes'in propaganda gazetesi olan Vatan'in Genel Yayin Yönetmeni. Özal döneminde TRT Yönetim Kurulu üyeligi yapti. 33. dereceden (en üst düzey) Mason olan Kiliç, Bülent Ulusu'nun baskani oldugu Büyük Klüp'ün de üyesiydi. Türkiye Gazetesi köse yazari ve elbette MHP'li... Sinif arkadasi Melih Gürsoy’un anlattigina göre , Altemur, Altemur olmadan önce ismi Demir'mis. Robert Kolej son sinifinda bu ismi begenmemis ve çok Türkçü bir isim almis. (M. Gürsoy, Izmir Mozaiginde Belirgin Taşlar)
Sınıf arkadaşlarından (Robert Kolej 1944 Mezunları) Bülent Ecevit, Ahmet İsvan ve Nezih Neyzi de tanınmış isimler. Rahşan Ecevit, bir süre Altemur Kılıç’ın çıkardığı dergide de çalışmış. Babası Kılıç Ali, Abdi İpek’çin mezarının dibinde gömülüymüş (İstanbul Sevi’nin bilgisidir) yani Zincirlikuyu D Adası; aynı adada Nazlı Ilıcak’ın ve Ömer Çavuşoğlu’nun babaları Menderes’in bakanlarından ve Yapı Kredi’de Kazım Taşkent’in yardımcısı Muammer
Çavuşoğlu da gömülü zaten. Altemur Kılıç, elbette 500. Yıl Vakfı Kurucularından da…
Mavera-Gökyüzü ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Altemur Kılıç’ın Kuzeni Ahmet İnsel
13.3.1955 doğumlu. 1982 yılında Paris 1 Pantheon Sarbonne Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi'nde doktora yaptı. 1984 yılından beri aynı üniversitede öğretim üyeliği yapan İnsel, Galatasaray
Üniversitesi'nde de dersler veriyor. Birikim Dergisi yazarlarından olan Ahmet İnsel, İletişim Yayınları Genel Yayın Yönetmeni. ESERLERİ: Türkiye Toplumunun Bunalımı, Birikim Yayınları, İktisat İdeolojisinin Eleştirisi, Birikim Yayınları, Düzen ve Kalkınma Kıskacında Türkiye, Ayrıntı Yayınları. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Altemur Kılıç: Türban Takmak Ayıp
İstiklal Mahkemeleri cellatlarından Kılıç Ali'nin oğlu sabataycı-ırkçı Altemur Kılıç bugün (24.06.2004) Haber-Turk televizyonunda kendisine sorulan suallere cevap verirken "Türban takmak ayıp" dedi. Ona göre resmi programlara davet edilmeyen Başbakan, bakan ve Meclis Başkanı'nın eşlerinin başında türban ve yerlere kadar sürünen elbiseleriyle gelmelerinin "ayıp" olduğunu, yadırgadığını ve bu duruma alışamayacağını zırvaladı.
Kadınlar kendi evlerinde ne yaparsa yapsın (lutfediyor!) deyip, amma tesettürlü bir biçimde -neredeyse- sokağa bile çıkmasına karşı olan, bunu laikliğe, Atatürkçülüğe, çağdaşlığa mugayir gören böyle bir adam müslüman sayılabilir mi? Olsa olsa sabatayistlerin İslam düşmanı gurubuna dahil edilebilir. İyi niyetli sabataycılar bu tip hemcinslerini, sadece şövenist ve cellatzade olmasından dolayı değil din düşmanlığı yaptığından ötürü de tel'in etmelidirler. Biz hep sabataycı=kötü demek değildir diyoruz ama böyleleri için bu kelime bile hafif kalır.
Faruk [TR-FORUM] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kapanizadeler, Altemur Kılıç ve Tevfik Rüştü Aras
Kapanizade Tahir Bey Demokrat Parti devlet bakanlarından Osman Kapani ve Profesör Munci Kapani’nin babasıdır. Rotaryan arkadaşım Müzdat Yemişçi’nin anne tarafından dedesi olan Tahir Bey, 1914 yıllarında İzmir’in iş muhitinde çok tanınmış bir kimseydi. Sart’ta geniş çiftliği ve İzmir’de geniş iş muhiti vardı. Atatürk’ün eşi Latife Hanım’ın kardeşi Ömer Bey’in de kayınpederi olan Tahir Bey…" (Melih Gürsoy, Bizim İzmirimiz, s.237, 1993)
Kapani ya da Kapancı aynı anlamda; Sabetay Sevi’nin ilkelerini orijinal haliyle benimsemiş kol. En güçlü, en zengin de kol aynı zamanda. Şişli Terakki Kapancılara ait. Yemişçi Sülalesi de çok zengin ve büyük bir sülaledir; halen İzmir Göztepe’de Rifat Bey isimli bir apartmanları var. Osman Kapani, o zaman Demokrat İzmir’in de yazı işleri müdürü.
Haldun Taner'in "Ölürse Ten Ölür" isimli anı kitabından, Tevfik Rüştü Aras ile Latife Hanım'ın akraba olduklarını öğreniyoruz. Fatin Rüştü Zorlu'nun kayınpederi Tevfik Rüştü Aras Evliyazade Makbule Hanım'la yani Berin Menderes'in teyzesiyle evlenir.
Sabiha ile Mehmet Zekeriya (Sertel) evlenirken, Sabiha’nın tarafını temsilen Talat Paşa, Mehmet Zekeriya’nın tarafını temsilen de Dr. Tevfik Rüştü Aras, nikahta hazır ve nazır bulunuyorlar. Nikah, anılardan anlaşılacağı üzere İttihat ve Terakki’nin adeta bir resmi geçidi haline geliyor. Masonların kendi sitelerinde açıkladıkları ünlü masonlar listesinde şöyle geçiyor : Dr. Tevfik Rüştü Aras : Dışişleri Bakanı (1925-1938)’dan tarihçeye tıklanırsa, bütün üyelerinin Sabetaycı olduğu Selamet Locası içinde olduğu görülecektir. Aras için, İstanbul Sevi’nin "dikkat çektiği" partiler ve "bazı" kurucularını yazdığı yazısından alıntı yapalım "TürkIye KomünIst Firkasi 1920, Ankara - Kurucu ve YönetIcILer: TevfIk Rüstü (Aras), Mahmut Esat (Bozkurt), Mahmut CeLaL (Bayar), Yunus NadI (AbaLiogLu), KiLic ALI, Hakki BehIc (Bayic), Ihsan (Eryavuz), RefIk (KoraLtan), Eyüp SabrI (AkgöL) ve Süreyya (YIgIt) " Refik Koraltan, Mehmet Ali Bayar'ın dayısıdır. Altemur Kılıç doğarken hekim Tevfik Rüştü Aras'tır ve ilk ismi olan Demir'i kendisine Latife Hanım verir.
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