Internet Explorer 8 takes the Web experience beyond the page and introduces a new way to seamlessly experience the power of the Web whether you are a Web developer writing to standards, or an end user discovering a new online service. This beta release is available to everyone, but is primarily for Web developers and designers to test the new tools, layout engine, and programming enhancements. Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. End user improvements include a streamlined interface, tabbed browsing, printing advances, improved search functionality, instant feeds (RSS), dynamic security protection, and more. This RC version of Internet Explorer is for web developers and designers. We invite you to use the resources listed below to learn about the improvements, changes and new features available in this release. "This release contains some great advances in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and layout, programming model, performance, reliability, usability and service integration. We are eager to ensure that the transition to Internet Explorer 8 is seamless for you and your audience, and to give you a head start on using many of the new features with your sites and services. We encourage you to test your sites and services, and our platform implementation, and give us feedback!" Developers and designers of all skill levels need great tools to deliver modern websites and write more efficient code without having to switch between the browser and a separate development environment. Internet Explorer 8 includes built-in tools that work well for professionals as well as those trying CSS and scripting for the first time. - Debug JavaScript Windows Internet Explorer 8 Release Notes Homepage - Download Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP/2003 x32 - 16.1 MB Download Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP/2003 x64 - 32.4 MB Download Internet Explorer 8 for Windows Vista/2008 x32 - 13.2 MB Download Internet Explorer 8 for Windows Vista/2008 x64 - 24.1 MB |
20 Mart 2009 Cuma
Internet Explorer 8.00.6001.18702 - Final
19 Mart 2009 Perşembe
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver R2.19
The ALC882 series incorporates proprietary converter technology to achieve over 100dB Signal-to-Noise ratio playback quality; easily meeting PC2001 requirements and also bringing PC sound quality closer to consumer electronic devices.
The ALC882 series provide 10 channels of DAC that simultaneously support 7.1 sound playback, plus 2 channels of independent stereo sound output (multiple streaming) through the Front-Out-Left and Front-Out-Right channels. Flexible mixing, mute, and fine gain control functions provide a complete integrated audio solution for next generation multimedia PCs.
Features of Realtek High Definition Audio Driver :
- High-performance DACs with 103dB SNR are ideal for Dolby Master Studio
- ADCs with 90dBA SNR
- Meets performance requirements for audio on PC2001 systems
- 10 DAC channels support 16/20/24-bit PCM format for 7.1 sound playback, plus 2 channels of independent stereo sound output (multiple streaming) through the - Front-Out-Left and Front-Out-Right channels
- 3 stereo ADCs support 16/20-bit PCM format, two for microphone array, one for legacy mixer recording
- All DACs support 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate
- All ADCs support 44.1k/48k/96kHz sample rate
- Applicable for DVD-Audio solutions
- 16/20/24-bit S/PDIF-OUT supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate
- 16/20/24-bit S/PDIF-IN supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate
- Up to four channels of microphone input are supported for AEC/BF application
- High-quality analog differential CD input
- Supports external PCBEEP input and built-in digital BEEP generator
- Software selectable 2.5V/3.75V VREFOUT
- Six VREFOUTs are supported by default, with additional four VREFOUTs available by sharing unused analog I/O pins
- Two jack detection pins each designed to detect up to 4 jacks
- Reserve analog mixer architecture for backward compatibility with AC'97
- Wide range (–80dB ~ +42dB) volume control with 1.5dB resolution of analog to analog mixer gain
- All analog jacks are stereo input and output re-tasking for analog plug & play
- Built-in headphone amplifiers for each re-tasking jack
- Supports both analog DC volume control and GPI digital volume control
- 2 GPIOs (General Purpose Input/Output) for customized applications
- Optional EAPD (External Amplifier Power Down) is supported
- Power support: Digital: 3.3V; Analog: 5.0V (Minimum AVDD is 3.6V)
- Power management and enhanced power saving features
- 48-pin LQFP lead (Pb)-free package
- Meets Microsoft WHQL/WLP 2.0 audio requirements
- EAX 1.0 & 2.0 compatible
- Direct Sound 3D compatible
- A3D compatible
- I3DL2 compatible
- HRTF 3D Positional Audio
- Emulation of 26 sound environments to enhance gaming experience
- 10 Software Equalizer Bands
- Voice Cancellation and Key Shifting in Karaoke mode
- Realtek Media Player
- Enhanced Configuration Panel and device sensing wizard to improve user experience
- Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), Noise Suppression (NS) and Beam Forming (BF) technology for voice application
- ALC882D features Dolby Digital Live output for consumer equipment
- ALC882H features Dolby Home Theater software
- ALC882M features Dolby Master Studio software
Changes in Driver Package R2.19:
Realtek HD Audio Driver support all of Realtek HD Audio Codec in Vista/WinXP/Win2000/Win2003 .
1. Vista WHQL Supporting: ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262,ALC267, ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887
2. Windows 2000/XP WHQL Supporting: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC888, ALC889, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267,ALC268, ALC269, ALC272, ALC273, ALC887
3. HDMI Device WHQL Support: ATI HDMI Devices
4. OS Supporting: Microsoft WindowsXP, Widnows2000, Vista, Windows7 x86/x64
5. Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1.0a(5013)
6. Add/Fix
1.) Driver :
1. Customizations.
2.) Package :
1. Fix upgraded warning dialog for Small VGA mode .
2. Add failed run installation by count .
Homepage -
Size: 28.4 MB
Download Driver for Windows 2000, Windows XP/2003 (32/64 bits)
17 Mart 2009 Salı
Bir Kitap: Kıt'a Dur!- 28 Şubat'tan 27 Nisan'a İktidar Kavgası
Şamil Tayyar
28 Şubat'tan kısa bir süre önce, Çevik Bir ve Mehmet Ağar'ın katıldığı toplantıda hangi kararlar alındı? Cumhuriyet tarihine damgasını vuran gizli toplantıda başka kimler vardı?
Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu'na düzenlenen suikast girişimini soruşturan Eyüp Aşık'ı Genelkurmay'a çağırıp, "Bu işi araştırmayı bırakın!" talimatı veren komutan kimdi? Ordudaki saflaşmanın perde arkasında hangi mücadele yatıyordu?
Mesut Yılmaz, Çevik Bir'den gelen "Necmettin Erbakan ve Tansu Çiller'i hapse atmak için neden vakit kaybediyorsunuz!" tehdidine karşı ne yaptı?
Mehmet Ağar, "Söyleyin Mehmet'e, bir ülkede iki ordu olmaz!" haberini gönderen komutana ne cevap verdi? Emniyetle Genelkurmay arasındaki gerilimde neler yaşandı?
27 Nisan muhtırasından sonra Bakan Hüseyin Çelikle görüşen Yaşar Büyükanıt, "Bu muhtırayı sadece hükümete karşı yayınlanmış bir muhtıra olarak görmeyin!" derken neyi ima etti?
Şamil Tayyar, ilk kez yayınlanan belgelerle, 28 Şubat'tan 27 Nisan'a uzanan süreçte yaşanan iktidar kavgasını tartışmaya açıyor...
Bir Kitap: Lozan Zafer mi Hezimet mi? 1-3 Cilt Takım
Kadir Mısıroğlu
Sebil Yayınları;
İstanbul, 1992, 3. baskı, 15.5 x 23.5 cm., 503+397+383 sayfa, Türkçe, Karton Kapak.
ISBN No: 9757480029
Aziz Okuyucu !...
Lozan; muazzam bir imparatorluk mirasının han-ı yağmasıdır...
Türkün şahsına islamdan intikam alınarak, bütün bir islam dünyasının başsız bırakılmasıdır!...
Lazının getirdiği, adalarla yunan stratejik çemberine alınmış iktisadi kaynaklardan mahrum, her türlü ünvan ve sıfatı yolunmuş gayrı tabii hudutların çizdiği küçük bir Türkiyedir.
Müellif(yazar) eserini şu şekilde takdim etmektedir : Lozan, muazzam bir imparatorluk mirasının hân-ı yağması (yağma sofrası) dır. Türk’ün şahsında İslâm’dan intikam alınarak, bütün bir İslâm Dünyası'nın başsız bırakılmasıdır!... Lozan'ın getirdiği; adalarla yunan stratejik çemberine alınmış iktisadî kaynaklardan mahrum, her türlü ünvan ve sıfatı yolunmuş, gayri tabiî hududların çizdiği küçük bir Türkiye'dir. Bu birinci cild, tanzimattan millî mücâdeleye kadar umûmî değerlendirme panoramasını çizer.. Lozan'ı hazırlayıcı sebepleri inceler.
Sahasında tek olan ve kırk yıldan beri elden düşürülmeyerek okunan bu muazzam eserin ikinci cildi, Lozan'da maruz kaldığımız Kıbrıs, Musul, Halep, Batı Tırakya, Adalar v.s. gibi maddî kayıpları incelemektedir.
Bu muazzam eserin üçüncü cildi, Hilâfet, Patrikhâne v.s. gibi mânevi kayıpları incelemektedir.