Distribution Release: BeleniX 0.7.1
The first update to the 0.7 release of BeleniX, a live CD based on OpenSolaris, is now available: "This update brings in the latest development OpenSolaris build 93 and updates to KDE 3.5.9 among other changes, bugfixes. Since this release also includes the latest Caiman installer, upgrades from this release will become possible going forward. A complete list of changes is below: Based on ON Build 93 that has new drivers (like ATIgfx) among other stuff; Included the rum driver; Nvidia driver updated to 173.14.05; OSS updated to 4.0-1016; Updated Fully Open X bits; KDE updated to 3.5.9 and some upstream patches removed; Firefox 3.0.1; /sbin/sh is now ksh93; Sham's RAM based Boot integrated - In Grub screen select more options to see that boot option..." Read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): belenix_0.7.1.iso (696MB).
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