Titlu potrivit mai poate fi şi „Cum să extragi şi ultima picătură de performanţă 3D din laptop-ul şi/sau iMAC-ul tău”, însă nu ar fi complet adevărat: ultima picătură se extrage prin overclocking şi ne vom ocupa de asta într-un articol viitor. Title may be appropriate and "How to extract the last drop of 3D performance of laptop and / or your iMac, but not completely true: the last drop is extracted by overclocking and we'll deal with it in a future article.
În cele ce urmează însă, ne vom axa pe alegerea unui driver nVIDIA pentru GPU, pe baza opţiunilor şi a rezultatelor obţinute de acesta, atât în benchmark-uri sintetice de tip 3DMark cât şi în jocuri (Crytek). In what follows, however, we focus on choosing a driver for the nVIDIA GPU, based on the options and the results obtained by it in benchmark sites of synthetic 3DMark and games (Crytek).
Introducerea cea lungă şi nVIDIA® UDA*… Entering the long and nVIDIA ® UDA * ...
…care este motivul ce face acest articol posibil, arhitectura unificată a driver-ului nVIDIA permiţând un mic truc, pe lângă avantajul major adus suportului pentru Windows VISTA, în ceea ce priveşte seriile mai vechi de plăci video, 6xx0 şi 7xx0. ... That is why what makes this article possible architecture unified driver nVIDIA allowing a little tweak, the major benefit brought support for Windows Vista, as regards the older series of video cards, 6xx0 and 7xx0.
Nu este un lucru nou faptul că producătorii de notebook-uri furnizează propriile ediţii ale driver-elor, ceea ce nu este tocmai un lucru bun: acestea, deşi folosesc la maxim funcţiile integrate în echipament, sunt actualizate mult mai rar (uneori aproape deloc) decât cele lansate oficial de producătorii chipset-urilor, de exemplu. There is a new thing that notebook manufacturers sites provide their own editions of drivers, which is not just a good thing: that, although the maximum use functions integrated into the equipment, are updated more often (sometimes almost) than those officially launched chipset manufacturers design, for example. De aceea, mulţi dintre noi ne vedem nevoiţi să folosim driver-ele puse la dispoziţie de către producătorul notebook-ului deoarece… pur şi simplu nu avem de ales. Therefore, many of us see our need to use the drivers supplied by the manufacturer of the notebook ... because simply we do not have a choice.Chiar şi acum, când nVIDIA a început să ofere în mod oficial şi driver-e pentru notebook-uri. Even now, when nVIDIA started to provide the official and the driver's notebook sites.
Un exemplu perfect este chiar unul din notebook-urile folosite la scrierea acestui articol: dispune de un subwoofer intern însă care se „aude” numai folosind o versiune specială a driver-elor HD, de la Realtek. A perfect example is just one of the notebooks are used to write this article has an internal subwoofer but that "hear" only using a special version of the HD drivers from Realtek.
În cazul procesoarelor grafice, treaba stă oarecum asemănător: anumite funcţii dispar; un driver ce nu dispune de certificare WHQL neputând accesa decodarea video H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC, cea folosită la discurile Blu-Ray). If graphics processors, the job stays somewhat similar: certain functions disappear, a driver who does not have access not WHQL certification decoding H.264 video (MPEG-4 AVC, the one used in Blu-Ray discs). Însă, câţi dintre noi dispun de o unitate BD-ROM/RE în notebook şi de o colecţie suficientă de discuri Blu-Ray, ca să poate folosi această funcţie? But how many of us have a notebook in BD-ROM/RE and sufficient collection of Blu-Ray disks that can use this feature? Nu mulţi, de aceea, în cele ce urmează, vă vom ghida în alegerea unui driver potrivit, pentru performanţă maximă în jocuri şi pentru suport CUDA şi PhysX, fără dificultăţi. Not many, so, in what follows, we will guide you in choosing a suitable driver for maximum performance in games and CUDA and PhysX support without difficulty.
Începem însă cu noutăţile aduse de noua serie de driver-e, nu de mult certificată, 180. But go to the news of the new series of drivers, not much certified 180.Aceasta aduce câteva îmbunătăţiri majore şi câteva „fix”-uri mult visate, ca de exemplu posibilitatea folosirii SLi-ului chiar şi atunci când vorbim de mai multe LCD-uri pe birou. This brings some major improvements and a few "fix" links of your dreams, such as the use of SLI, even when talking about more sites on the LCD office. După aproximativ 4 ani şi jumătate, avem în sfârşit suportul acesta. After about 4 ½ years, we finally support it. Noroc, probabil, de cel introdus pentru CF, de câtre AMD/ATi, odată cu X2-ul 3870, care a stimulat acest lucru. Cheers probably introduced to the CF, the AMD / ATI, with the X2-3870, which has stimulated this. Acest suport însă, este cu dus întors: doar două monitoare pot fi folosite în acest fel. This support, however, is gone back: two monitors can be used in this way. Dacă se doreşte, de exemplu, 4 monitoare, revenim la dezactivarea SLi-ului, doar placa master cu ale sale două porturi DVI putând fi folosită, în modul SLi. If you wish, for example, 4 monitors, back to disable the SLI, just like the master with its two DVI ports can be used in SLI mode.Revenind la plusuri, e totuşi un lucru bun faptul că putem selecta care ieşire va fi folosită de SLi din cele două de pe placa video setată ca master. Returning to plusuri, is nevertheless a good thing that we can select the output will be used for SLI of two of the video set to master. De asemenea, jocurile cu suport multi-monitor sunt şi ele suportate, de acum. Also games with multi-monitor support are also supported now. Puţine, însă e un început, soluţia rămânând încă o placă video externă, Matrox. Few, however, is a start, the solution still remains an external video card, Matrox.
Fizica din jocuri, inexistentă până la PhysX, a trecut şi ea la un alt nivel. Physics of games, no to PhysX, and passed it to another level. La conferinţa nVIDIA de pe 17 , din acestă lună, cele două demonstraţii cu Cryostasis şi încă nelansatul Mirror’s Edge ne-au arătat cu adevărat, pentru prima dată, ce înseamnă fizica în jocuri. Conference on nVIDIA 17 of this month, the two demonstrations with Cryostasis and still nelansatul Mirror's Edge we have really shown for the first time what physics in games.
Click PLAY pentru a vizualiza demo-ul. Click PLAY to view the demo.
Acel je ne sais quoi care trage linia dintre realism şi… imitaţie nereuşită. That je ne sais quoi that draws the line between realism and ... failed imitation. Mai nou, de la versiunea 180.48, se poate dedica un GPU complet randării efectelor de fizică din jocuri (la conferinţă, am putut testa un sistem bazat pe un SLi de GTX 280 plus un 9800 GT ce se ocupa de fizică, construit în aşa fel). Newer version of 180.48, can dedicate a full GPU randării physics effects in games (at the conference, we could test a system based on the SLI GTX 280 plus a 9800 GT which deals with natural, built in such a way ). Lipsa de suport din partea Microsoft, în ceea ce priveşte setarea unei plăci video dedicate pentru PhysX, a obligat nVIDIA so facă cu „mâna” ei: pe baza unui truc, putem totuşi selecta o placă dedicată pentru PhysX, fără a fi folosită de Windows. Lack of support from Microsoft, in terms of setting up a dedicated video card for PhysX, nVIDIA forced to do so "hand" it: on a trick, however, can select a card dedicated to PhysX, without the use of Windows . Revenind la ceea ce înseamnă nVIDIA PhysX: Nehalem rula, fără suport GPU, un demo cu 50-60.000 de particule, la doar 15-20 cadre pe secundă, pe când un GeForce 9800 făcea acelaşi lucru, la 300 cadre pe secundă, deci de vreo 8-10 ori mai mult decât necesarul unei rulări perfect jucabile, dacă vorbim despre un joc 3D. Going back to what it means nVIDIA PhysX: Nehalem run without GPU support, with a demo 50-60.000 particles, only 15-20 frames per second, while a GeForce 9800 was the same, at 300 frames per second, so the about 8-10 times more than necessary Plays a perfect jucabile if we talk about a 3D game. Ca să mărim puţin diferenţa, seriile noi măresc această diferenţă la peste 25-30 ori (GTX 295 va rula acelaşi test, în comparaţie, PROBABIL la 800-900 cadre). To expand a little difference, the series in November this difference increased to over 25-30 times (GTX 295 will run the same test, in comparison, probably at 800-900 frames). Ceea ce a fost lăsat deocamdată, on hold (dacă există vreun plan în această privinţă), a fost mecanica cuantică. What was left now, on hold (if there is any plan in this regard), it was quantum mechanics. Explicaţia nVIDIA: ne axăm pe divertisment. NVIDIA explanation: we axăm on entertainment. Trebuie să recunoaştem însă, cu PhysX şi ochelarii 3D ce vor fi lansaţi şi ei pe 8 ianuarie anul viitor, avem o revoluţie tehnologică în domeniul 3D, clar. We have to admit, however, with PhysX and 3D glasses that will be launched and its January 8 next year, we have a technological revolution in 3D clear. Să revenim la driver, însă. Let's return to the driver, however.
CUDA. GPGPU la cel mai înalt nivel, spunea un coleg de breaslă. GPGPU at the highest level, said a colleague guild. Odată cu această nouă tehnologie, ce măreşte semnificativ numărul posibilităţilor de a folosi un accelerator grafic, am putut vedea, în practică, diferenţa dintre un CPU şi un GPU modern. With this new technology that significantly increases the possibilities of using a graphic accelerator, I could see in practice the difference between a CPU and a modern GPU. Diferenţă extrem de mare, în detrimentul primului. Very big difference to the detriment of the first. CUDA este un pas intermediar între programarea clasică, în limbaj C şi folosirea procesorului grafic pentru deja enorma-i putere computaţională (dacă vorbim de plăci ca viitoarea GTX 295 sau actuala GTX 280). CUDA is an intermediate step between classical programming in C language and use graphics processor for the already-enormous computational power (if we talk about the future like the current GTX 295 or GTX 280). Driver-ele nVIDIA, inţial suportate diferit (o versiune specială a acestora era dedicată CUDA), acum dispun de de aceasta la ordinea zilei, alături de PhysX şi de suportul pentru ochelarii 3D, ce au marcat, cel puţin pentru mine ziua Z în ceea ce priveşte grafica 3D. NVIDIA drivers, ultimate incurred differently (a special version of them was dedicated CUDA), now have it on the agenda, along with PhysX and support for 3D glasses, which were marked, at least for me day in Z of 3D graphics.
Cum am testat? How we tested?
Cele două notebook-uri de test au fost două de uz general, ce se pretează cu succes la gaming-ul de ocazie, fie el şi la rezoluţie nativă şi setări medii, chiar spre high, în majoritatea titlurilor. The two notebook test sites were two general use, which is suitable to successfully gaming your opportunity, be it in native resolution settings and environments, even to high in most titles. iMAC-ul, de top, având un procesor net superior celor din notebook-uri însă placă video… tot de notebook. The iMac, top with a superior net processor of the notebook-like video sites ... but all of the notebook.
Primul, cel pe care au fost testate driver-ele pentru Windows XP, a fost un Dell Inspiron 1520: First, the one that was tested drivers for Windows XP, was a Dell Inspiron 1520:
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 la 2.2 GHz; CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 at 2.2 GHz;
RAM 2×2 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM la 667 MHz, şi latenţe standard (5-5-5-15); RAM 2 x 2 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM at 667 MHz, and standard dormant (5-5-5-15);
HDD Fujitsu 120GB, 7200 rotaţii pe minut; Fujitsu HDD 120GB, 7200 rpm;
VGA 8600M GT, 256 MB DDR2; VGA 8600M GT, 256 MB DDR2;
VIDEO 15.4″, la 1440 x 900. VIDEO 15.4 "at 1440 x 900.
iMAC-ul: cel mai performant iMAC de la ora actuală. iMac is: the performance of the iMac today. Placa video este una mobilă, 8800M GTS, deci rezultatele sunt utile atât celor cu un GPU de acest tip, pe notebook-uri gen SAGER/CLEVO, cât şi celor care au iMAC-uri. Video is a mobile, 8800M GTS, so the results are useful both to those with a GPU of this type, the notebook-like sites SAGER / CLEVO and those who iMac's. Iniţial, vom testa Windows VISTA x32 pe el, ca apoi să testăm şi driver-ele pentru MAC OS-X. Initially, we will test Windows Vista x32 on it, then test and drivers for Mac OS-X.
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E8435 la 3.06 GHz; CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E8435 at 3.06 GHz;
RAM 2×1 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM la 800 MHz, şi latenţe standard (6-6-6-18); RAM 2 x 1 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM 800 MHz, and standard dormant (6-6-6-18);
HDD WD 500GB, 7200 rotaţii pe minut; WD HDD 500GB, 7200 rpm;
VGA 8800M GTS, 512 MB DDR3; VGA 8800M GTS 512 MB DDR3;
VIDEO 24″, la 1920 x 1200. VIDEO 24 "at 1920 x 1200.
Cel de-al doilea notebook, pe care sa testat Windows 7 (şi Windows VISTA x64), un Acer Aspire 6920G, a avut următoarea configuraţie: The second notebook, which was tested on Windows 7 (and Windows Vista x64), an Acer aspire 6920G, had the following configuration:
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 la 2.5 GHz; CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 at 2.5 GHz;
RAM 2×2 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM la 667 MHz, şi latenţe standard (5-5-5-18); RAM 2 x 2 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM at 667 MHz, and standard dormant (5-5-5-18);
HDD WD 320GB, 5400 rotaţii pe minut; WD HDD 320GB, 5400 rpm;
VGA 9500M GS, 256 MB DDR2; VGA 9500M GS, 256 MB DDR2;
VIDEO 16″, la 1366 x 768 VIDEO 16 "at 1366 x 768
Testele s-au efectuat pe o configuraţie software pusă la punct încă dinaintea driver-elor pentru GPU (totul a fost instalat şi sa făcut o imagine de disk), configuraţie restaurată după fiecare testare de driver, pentru a evita folosirea unor aplicaţii de curăţare a sistemului de driver-e, aplicaţii pe care noi le-am găsit insuficiente (testul cu acelaşi driver, instalat în ordinea 1-2-1, a dat rezultatele deloc dorite: diferenţa în 3DMark06 fiind suficient de mare pentru a face acest test, în cazul folosirii lor, inutil). Tests were performed on a software configuration put in place even before drivers for GPU (it was installed and made a disk image) configuration restored after each test driver to avoid the use of cleaning applications the drivers, applications that we have found insufficient (test with the same driver installed in order 1-2-1, gave no desired results: the difference in 3DMark06 is large enough to test in If their use, unnecessary).
Am ales 3DMark03 pentru binecunoscutul fapt că e cel mai „stresant” pentru GPU iar 3DMark05 şi 3DMark06 pentru că sunt benchmark-urile sintetice cele mai folosite (şi mai recente, de la Futuremark), pentru Windows XP. I chose to 3DMark03 is well known fact that most "annoying" for GPU and 3DMark05 and 3DMark06 benchmark because they are your most synthetic (and later, from Futuremark) for Windows XP. Pe Windows VISTA şi Windows 7, am folosit şi ultima versiune, Vantage. On Windows Vista and Windows 7, I used the latest version, Vantage. Jocurile au fost alese pe criteriul: mai vechi, dar cu cerinţe mari. Games were chosen based on: older, but with large requirements. De ce mai vechi? Why are older? Pentru că, de exemplu, Far Cry 2 dispune de optimizări doar în câteva versiuni, iar acelea beta, foarte noi. Because, for example, Far Cry 2 has improvements in several versions only, and those beta, very us.
În speranţa că vă va fi de folos şi comparaţia cu versiuni mai vechi (tocmai ce spuneam mai sus, dacă doriţi suport Blu-Ray sau aveţi incompatibilităţi cu o anumită versiune de driver), am testat nu mai puţin de 30 versiuni de driver, lansate anul acesta, versiuni atât oficiale cât şi beta (însă care pot concura uneori, la capitolul stabilitate, cu cele WHQL). In the hope that it will be useful and comparison with older versions (just what I said above, if you want to support Blu-Ray or have incompatibilities with some version of the driver), we tested not less than 30 versions of drivers launched This year, the official version and the beta (but which can sometimes compete, Chapter stability with WHQL).Lista însă va fi actualizată în permanenţă, deci staţi pe aproape (sau, adăugaţi pagina la bookmark-uri, pentru că vom testa fiecare versiune nouă de driver apărută, de acum înainte)! But the list will be updated constantly, so stay close to (or add the page to bookmark sites, we will test each new version of driver released from now on)!
Cum am profitat de UDA? How I took the UDA?
Scutindu-ne atât pe noi cât şi pe voi (cei ce veţi dori să instalaţi un anumit driver din lista celor de mai jos) de studii şi căutări pe internet, vă spunem doar că modificarea driver-ului, pentru a deveni compatibil nu este decât adăgarea, în *.inf-ul driver-ului a datelor GPU-ului de care dispune notebook-ul dumneavoastră, sau chiar PC-ul (anumite versiuni sunt lansate pentru plăci gen Quadro, neavând suportul, în *.inf, pentru plăcile GeForce, de exemplu). Save us both us and you (those who want to install a driver from the list below) studies and searches on the Internet, you say that the amendment only driver to be compatible not only adăgarea in the *. inf driver data GPU's available to your notebook, or PC (some versions are released for gender Quadro cards, no support in *. inf, for GeForce cards , for example). Modificare ce poate fi făcută automat, graţie unor entuziaşti ca băieţii de aici . Change can be done automatically, thanks to the enthusiastic boys here. Noi am folosit *.inf-uri modificate doar pentru a adăuga suportul, fără îmbunătăţiri sau alte modificări ce ar fi încurcat informaţia obţinută în urma testelor. We used *. inf links modified only to add support without improvements or other changes that would have embarrassed the information obtained from the tests. Cu alte cuvinte, pentru a putea instala un anumit driver din test, tot ce aveţi de făcut este să-l descărcaţi, să-l extrageţi şi să-i înlocuiţi *.inf-ul cu unul modificat, potrivit versiunii dumneavoastră de driver. In other words, to install a driver from the test, all you need to do is download it to pull it out and replace them *. inf-one with the modified version according to your driver.
A se ţine cont de faptul că, folosind driver-ele modificate, decodarea video pe GPU, prin intermediul aplicaţiilor ca Cyberlink PowerDVD sau Corel WinDVD, va fi imposibilă, treaba fiind exclusiv preluată de CPU. To take into account the fact that drivers using modified GPU video decoding, through the Corel Cyberlink PowerDVD or WinDVD will be impossible, the only thing being taken over by the CPU. Însă, revenind, câţi dintre noi au discuri Blu-Ray de văzut pe notebook? But, coming back, how many of us have Blu-Ray discs to see the notebook?
Şi… am început! And ... I started!
Windows XP SP3, pe 32 biţi Windows XP SP3, 32-bit
Primul tabel conţine doar rezultatele testelor (în puncte pentru 3DMark şi în cadre pe secundă pentru Crysis-uri), iar cel de-al doilea conţine informaţii suplimentare despre driver, precum modelele suportate oficial în *.inf (informaţii utile celor care folosesc datele pentru plăcile de desktop, ce au suport oficial - şi implicit Blu-Ray şi certificarea WHQL activă), alături de alte informaţii precum suportul pentru fizică (PhysX), CUDA, clientul de folding pentru GPU… şi aşa mai departe. The first table contains the results of tests (in 3DMark points and frames per second for Crysis-ROMs), and the second contains additional information about the driver, as well as models officially *. inf (information using the data for desktop cards that have official support - and, Blu-Ray and active WHQL certification), along with other information such as support for physical (PhysX), CUDA, folding client for GPU ... and so on. „Distracţie plăcută!” "Enjoy!"
Driver Version Driver Version | 3DMark03 | 3DMark05 | 3DMark06 | Crysis | Crysis Warhead Crysis Warhead |
*Benchmarking could not be completed properly. * Benchmarking could not be completed properly. | |||||
175.16 175.16 | 10616 | 6626 | 3708 | 12.21 | 6.84 |
175.63 175.63 | 10622 | 6599 | 3735 | 12.35 | 6.88 |
175.70 175.70 | 10631 | 6631 | 3735 | 12.36 12.36 | 6.91 |
175.75 175.75 | 10648 | 6634 | 3728 | 12.35 | 6.91 |
175.80 175.80 | 10616 | 6628 | 3732 | 12.35 | 6.89 |
176.04 176.04 | 10631 | 6592 | 3747 | 11.71 | 6.82 |
176.37 176.37 | 10663 | 6622 | 3743 | 11.70 | 6.83 |
176.48 176.48 | 10650 | 6616 | 3756 | 11.68 | 6.85 |
176.53 176.53 | 10668 | 6616 | 3753 | 11.72 | 6.83 |
177.41 177.41 | 10661 | 6630 | 3766 | 11.79 | 6.83 |
177.66 177.66 | 10805 | 6682 6682 | 3772 | 11.81 | 6.86 |
177.70 177.70 | 10815 | 6667 | 3782 | 11.85 | 6.89 |
177.79 177.79 | 10825 | 6669 | 3782 | 11.86 | 6.84 |
177.83 177.83 | 10798 | 6672 | 3783 | 11.87 | 6.85 |
177.89 177.89 | 10824 | 6664 | 3787 | 11.87 | 6.86 |
177.92 177.92 | 10818 | 6673 | 3788 | 11.85 | 6.89 |
177.98 177.98 | 10814 | 6651 | 3784 | 11.85 | 6.89 |
178.08 178.08 | 10836 | 6661 | 3795 | 11.85 | 6.87 |
178.13 178.13 | 10822 | 6661 | 3795 | 11.85 | 6.88 |
178.15 178.15 | 10785 | 6666 | 3791 | 11.83 | 6.88 |
178.24 178.24 | 10839 10839 | 6660 | 3789 | 11.83 | 6.90 |
178.26 178.26 | 10800 | 6658 | 3786 | 11.85 | 6.88 |
178.46 178.46 | 10820 | 6654 | 3790 | 11.84 | -* |
180.42 180.42 | 10835 | 6670 | 3805 | 12.10 | 6.97 |
180.43 180.43 | 10806 | 6652 | 3816 3816 | 12.12 | 6.97 |
180.48 180.48 | 10823 | 6666 | 3805 | 12.13 | 6.96 |
180.60 180.60 | 10815 | 6664 | 3804 | 12.11 | 6.99 6.99 |
180.70 180.70 | 10819 | 6667 | 3807 | 12.10 | 6.86 |
180.84 180.84 | 10836 | 6655 | 3802 | 12.11 | -* |
181.00 181.00 | 10778 | 6651 | 3809 | 12.09 | 6.87 |
Driver Version Driver Version | 3DMark03 | 3DMark05 | 3DMark06 | Crysis | Crysis Warhead Crysis Warhead |
On the Products Supported section, we have the list of the original models supported by the unmodified drivers. Supported on the Products section, we have the list of the original models supported by the unmodified drivers. | |||||
175.16 175.16 | 10,616 10.616 | 6626 | 3708 | 12.21 | 6.84 |
Launched - May 16, 2008 Launched - May 16, 2008 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - No CUDA Support - No GPGPU Folding Client Support - No GPGPU Folding Customer Support - No Issues (know - / solved +) - Link Issues (know - / + solved) - Link New Features - WHQL Certified for Windows XP, Supports GeForce FX, 6, 7, 8, and 9 series GPUs including these newly released GPUs: New Features - WHQL Certified for Windows XP Supports GeForce FX, 6, 7, 8 and 9 series GPUs including these newly released GPUs:
Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI™ technology* on DirectX 9 and OpenGL. Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI ™ technology * on DirectX 9 and OpenGL.Adds new PureVideo HD features for GeForce 9800 GX2, 9800 GTX, 9600 GT and 9600 GSO: Adds new PureVideo HD features for GeForce 9800 GX2, 9800 GTX, 9600 GT and 9600 GSO:
* Note : Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2, 3-way SLI technology, and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. * Note: Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2, 3-way SLI technology, and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. ** Note : Users will require updated software from third-party movie players to experience the new Dual-Stream decode acceleration for Blu-ray and HD DVD playback features. ** Note: Users will require updated software from third-party movie players to experience the new Dual-Stream decode acceleration for Blu-ray and HD DVD playback features. Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
175.63 175.63 | 10622 | 6599 | 3735 | 12.35 | 6.88 |
Launched - 2008-04-25 Launched - 2008-04-25 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - No GPGPU Folding Customer Support - No Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
175.70 175.70 | 10631 | 6631 | 3735 | 12.36 | 6.91 |
Launched - 2008-04-30 Launched - 2008-04-30 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
175.75 175.75 | 10648 | 6634 | 3728 | 12.35 | 6.91 |
Launched - 2008-05-07 Launched - 2008-05-07 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
175.80 175.80 | 10616 | 6628 | 3732 | 12.35 | 6.89 |
Launched - 2008-05-14 Launched - 2008-05-14 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - No CUDA Support - No GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
176.04 176.04 | 10631 | 6592 | 3747 | 11.71 | 6.82 |
Launched - 2008-06-20 Launched - 2008-06-20 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
176.37 176.37 | 10663 | 6622 | 3743 | 11.70 | 6.83 |
Launched - 2008-08-19 Launched - 2008-08-19 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
176.48 176.48 | 10650 | 6616 | 3756 | 11.68 | 6.85 |
Launched - 2008-09-10 Launched - 2008-09-10 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
176.53 176.53 | 10668 | 6616 | 3753 | 11.72 | 6.83 |
Launched - 2008-09-16 Launched - 2008-09-16 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.41 177.41 | 10661 | 6630 | 3766 | 11.79 | 6.83 |
Launched - June 26, 2008 Launched - June 26, 2008 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - No CUDA Support - No GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Link Issues (know - / + solved) - Link New Features : New Features:
Note : 3-way SLI technology and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. Notes: 3-way SLI technology and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.66 177.66 | 10805 | 6682 | 3772 | 11.81 | 6.86 |
Launched - 2008-06-25 Launched - 2008-06-25 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.70 177.70 | 10815 | 6667 | 3782 | 11.85 | 6.89 |
Launched - 2008-07-11 Launched - 2008-07-11 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.79 177.79 | 10825 | 6669 | 3782 | 11.86 | 6.84 |
Launched - 2008-07-26 Launched - 2008-07-26 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Phyxs Support -- Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.83 177.83 | 10798 | 6672 | 3783 | 11.87 | 6.85 |
Launched - 2008-08-02 Launched - 2008-08-02 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.89 177.89 | 10824 | 6664 | 3787 | 11.87 | 6.86 |
Launched - 2008-08-12 Launched - 2008-08-12 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.92 177.92 | 10818 | 6673 | 3788 | 11.85 | 6.89 |
Launched - August 26, 2008 Launched - August 26, 2008 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - v8.08.18 Included Physx - v8.08.18 CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Link Issues (know - / + solved) - Link New Features : New Features:
The following are examples of improvements measured with v177.92 WHQL versus v175.19 WHQL driver: The following are examples of improvements measured with v177.92 WHQL versus v175.19 WHQL driver:
Includes numerous 3D application compatibility fixes. Includes numerous 3D application compatibility fixes. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues. Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here. Users without U.S. English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here. *Note : Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2, 3-way SLI technology, and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. * Note: Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2, 3-way SLI technology, and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
177.98 177.98 | 10814 | 6651 | 3784 | 11.85 | 6.89 |
Launched - 2008-08-24 Launched - 2008-08-24 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
178.08 178.08 | 10836 | 6661 | 3795 | 11.85 | 6.87 |
Launched - 2008-09-16 Launched - 2008-09-16 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
178.13 178.13 | 10822 | 6661 | 3795 | 11.85 | 6.88 |
Launched - September 25, 2008 Launched - September 25, 2008 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - v8.09.04 Included Physx - v8.09.04 CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Link Issues (know - / + solved) - Link New Features : New Features:
The following are examples of improvements measured with v178.13 WHQL versus v175.19 WHQL driver: The following are examples of improvements measured with v178.13 WHQL versus v175.19 WHQL driver:
Includes numerous 3D application compatibility fixes. Includes numerous 3D application compatibility fixes. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues. Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here. Users without U.S. English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here. *Note : Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2, 3-way SLI technology, and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. * Note: Quad SLI technology with GeForce 9800 GX2, 3-way SLI technology, and Hybrid SLI technology are only supported on Windows Vista. Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
178.15 178.15 | 10785 | 6666 | 3791 | 11.83 | 6.88 |
Launched - 2008-09-22 Launched - 2008-09-22 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
178.24 178.24 | 10839 | 6660 | 3789 | 11.83 | 6.90 |
Launched - October 15, 2008 Launched - October 15, 2008 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - v8.09.04 Included Physx - v8.09.04 CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Link Issues (know - / + solved) - Link New Features : New Features: Adds support for newly-released GeForce 9-series motherboard GPUs. Adds support for newly-released GeForce 9-series motherboard GPUs. Includes several application compatibility fixes. Includes several application compatibility fixes. Please read the release documentation for more details. Please read the release documentation for more details.
The following are examples of improvements measured with v178.24 WHQL versus v175.19 WHQL driver: The following are examples of improvements measured with v178.24 WHQL versus v175.19 WHQL driver:
Includes numerous 3D application compatibility fixes. Includes numerous 3D application compatibility fixes. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues. Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
178.26 178.26 | 10800 | 6658 | 3786 | 11.85 | 6.88 |
Launched - 2008-10-08 Launched - 2008-10-08 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
178.46 178.46 | 10820 | 6654 | 3790 | 11.84 | - -- |
Launched - 2008-11-05 Launched - 2008-11-05 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
180.42 180.42 | 10835 | 6670 | 3805 | 12.10 | 6.97 |
Launched - 2008-10-17 Launched - 2008-10-17 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - 8.10.13 Included Physx - 8.10.13 CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
180.43 180.43 | 10806 | 6652 | 3816 | 12.12 | 6.97 |
Launched - October 24, 2008 Launched - October 24, 2008 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - No Phyxs Support - No Physx Included - No Physx Included - No CUDA Support - No CUDA Support - No GPGPU Folding Client Support - No GPGPU Folding Customer Support - No Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features:
Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
180.48 180.48 | 10823 | 6666 | 3805 | 12.13 | 6.96 |
Launched - November 19, 2008 Launched - November 19, 2008 WHQL - Yes WHQL - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - 8.10.13 Included Physx - 8.10.13 CUDA Support - Cuda CUDA Support - Cuda GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features:
Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
180.60 180.60 | 10815 | 6664 | 3804 | 12.11 | 6.99 |
Launched - 2008-11-18 Launched - 2008-11-18 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - GPGPU Folding Customer Support -- Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
180.70 180.70 | 10819 | 6667 | 3807 | 12.10 | 6.86 |
Launched - 2008-11-18 Launched - 2008-11-18 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
180.84 180.84 | 10836 | 6655 | 3802 | 12.11 | - -- |
Launched - December 9, 2008 Launched - December 9, 2008 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - 8.10.13 Included Physx - 8.10.13 CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Link Issues (know - / + solved) - Link New Features : New Features:
Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list | |||||
181.00 181.00 | 10778 | 6651 | 3809 | 12.09 | 6.87 |
Launched - 2008-12-15 Launched - 2008-12-15 WHQL - No WHQL - No Phyxs Support - Yes Phyxs Support - Yes Physx Included - Included Physx -- CUDA Support - Yes CUDA Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Client Support - Yes GPGPU Folding Customer Support - Yes Issues (know - / solved +) - Issues (know - / + solved) -- New Features : New Features: Products Supported - Click here for the list Supported products - Click here for the list |
Pagina 2> Windows VISTA SP1, 32 biţi (soon to be published) Page 2> Windows Vista SP1, 32 bit (soon to be published)
Pagina 3> Windows VISTA SP2 BETA1, 64 biţi ( soon to be published) Page 3> Windows Vista SP2 BETA1, 64 bit (soon to be published)
Pagina 4> Windows 7 BETA1, 64 biţi (soon to be published) Page 4> Windows 7 BETA1, 64 bit (soon to be published)
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